Collaborative Research: Integrated Parameter and Control Design

Project: Research project

Project Details


Project Summary

Motivated by design problems i anotechnology and by key theoretical problems of interest,

we consider a paradigm whereby the plant description depends on one or several parameters that

are subject to design.We propose a general framework for I tegrated Parameter and Controller

(IPC)design that allows multiple performance requirements.We propose to address the problem

of designing these parameters in conjunction with the feedback controller i order to achieve one or

more objectives.We then propose to address and solve the underlying optimization problem.The

theoretical underpinnings will rely o ew results in the non-convex optimization literature that

utilize convex relaxation i order to get global optimal solutions.The potential of our approach

to yield e .ective solutions to the resulting problems is demonstrated by our recent work that

applies the proposed methods to the robust synthesis problem in 1 giving the only global optimal

solution to this important problem.Aside from its contribution to the theory of control design,

the IPC design tools to be developed will be used to address several practical problems where the

simultaneous parameter and controller design can have a large and measurable impact.Speci .cally,

we will address a signi .cant nanotechnology design problem i volving ultra-high resolution micro-

cantilevers.This problem will take adva tage of existing expertise i the laboratory of the PIs and

will be conducted i close collaboration with the relevant industry.Based o the interdisciplinary

tools eeded for IPC design theory,we also address educational goals that are made possible by

the proposed research.

The intellectual merit of this proposal stems from the novel approach for a well recognized

unsolved problem of integrated parameter and controller (IPC)design.The proposal will contribute

signi .cantly to optimization based methodologies in control theory solving hitherto unaddressed

problems that are of importance for practical control design.The proposal lays particular emphasis

on applying the theory developed to micro-cantilever based technologies in the context of IPC

design.The theoretical paradigm is well suited and timely for furthering this technology.

Apart from the theoretical impact the related technology to be developed will be applicable

to practical problems i the two hundred million dollar scanning probe industry.The PIs have

signi .cant collaboration with industry and the technical knowhow developed will be guided and

transferred e .ectively to the industry.E .ort will be placed on integrating the software developed

on a typical Matlab platform.This will enable wide use of the tools developed by the related

communities.The main topic of the proposal provides a unique opportunity to expose the student

to the importance of plant structure that facilitates good overall plant-controller performance.A

novel course that builds o the ideas and results of this project to motivate the general philosophy

and techniques of integrated parameter and control design will be developed.


Effective start/end date4/15/033/31/07


  • National Science Foundation: $208,713.00


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