Conference: NSF Workshop on the Convergence of Smart Sensing Systems, Applications, Analytic and Decision Making

Project: Research project

Project Details


We live in a highly interconnected world, and this interconnectivity is predicted to grow exponentially in the next decade. As a result of this rapid expansion, we anticipate a network of more than 50 billion interconnected smart systems, encompassing intelligent appliances, cars, gadgets, and tools. These systems possess the capability to collect extensive real-time data, perform complex computational tasks, and deliver valuable services and actionable insights, greatly enriching our lives and collective productivity. Essential components of these smart systems include distributed sensors, communication modules, as well as analytical and computational modules. These components are intricately intertwined and rely on each other. Overall, there is a natural synergy between different sensing technologies, their applications, and methodologies developed in analytical areas. The objective of the proposed workshop is to identify significant research and educational challenges pertaining to these areas related to smart sensing technologies. More specifically, the workshop aims to address significant research gaps in how researchers approach problems and formulate solutions in sensing applications while integrating tools and algorithms from analytical areas. Overall, the workshop aims to foster collaboration, knowledge exchange, and innovation between experts from various fields to advance the understanding and application of analytical tools in sensing systems. The main goals and areas of focus are as follows: 1 )Aligning the State-of-the-Art of Analytical Areas: The workshop aims to bridge the gap between various scientific fields, academia, and industry in data science, particularly machine learning, by presenting the cutting-edge computational and analytical capabilities in a way that is understandable to the sensing community. It seeks to establish effective methods to keep sensing system researchers updated on advancements in analytical areas and make these practices available in a publicly accessible repository. 2) Appreciating Algorithmic Limitations & Application Requirements: The workshop recognizes that the direct application of advanced algorithms from analytical areas to sensing systems can be distracting and limited, especially when considering the physical constraints inherent in sensing systems. Researchers need to develop customized computational and analytical tools that respect these constraints and align with specific application requirements. 3) Application-Specific Sensor Systems: The workshop acknowledges the broad range of sensors used in various applications and aims to develop new sensors or integrate existing ones to meet specific application requirements. It brings together experts from different fields to define and deliver technologies that address performance, cost, sampling, environmental, deployment, data collection, and ease-of-use needs in sensor systems.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Effective start/end date10/1/2312/31/24


  • National Science Foundation: $100,000.00


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