Hierarchical, Parallel Algorithms for Simulating Plant Response to Environmental Stress (RUI)

  • Host, George E (PI)
  • Isebrands, J. G. (CoPI)
  • Stech, Harlan H.W. (CoPI)
  • Lenz Peckham, Kathryn K.E.L. (CoPI)
  • Coleman, M. D. (CoPI)

    Project: Research project

    Project Details


    PI: Host, George Institution: University of Minnesota Proposal # 9723595 Title: Hierarchical Parallel Algorithms for Simulating Plant Response to Environmental Stress Physiologically-based process models are powerful tools for assessing plant responses to multiple environmental stresses. They capture the intricate behavior of systems governed by non-linear feedbacks, hierarchical constraints, and interacting environmental factors. Devising efficient algorithms for simulating systems defined by thousands of individual elements, however, is a formidable challenge to computational biology. The investigators are developing a series of parallel algorithms for managing multiple computational streams to simulate growth of leaves, stems, and roots over a multi-computer network. Using the inherent hierarchical nature of plant systems, concurrent physiological processes logically nested within the three- dimensional architecture of shoot and root systems.

    Effective start/end date10/1/979/30/00


    • National Science Foundation: $380,073.00


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