IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON89), NOVEMBER 22-24, 1989 Bombay, India, Group Travel in U.S. and Indian Currencies.

Project: Research project

Project Details


Description: This project supports travel of fifteen U.S. scientists to the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Region 10 Conference (TENCON), planned for November 22-24, 1989 in Bombay, India. The Indian Technical Co-Chairman is Dr. M. V. Pitke at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) in Bombay. The Conference theme is 'Information Technologies for the 90's, ' and will deal with advances in: networks; communication systems; signal processing; computers and applications; circuits and devices and energy. The IEEE Region 10 comprises countries of South East Asia, far East and Australasia, including India, Pakistan, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, PR China, Singapore, Indonesia, Phillipines, Australia and New Zealand. The meeting will have representatives from most of these countries and also from various regions in India. The organizers include some of the U.S. and India's leaders in electrical, electronics and communication engineering. They also have as advisors experts from major U.S. laboratories in industry and academia, as well as others from Europe and Japan. Scope: Region 10 of the IEEE has a large potential for high technology in terms of manpower which will greatly benefit from this conference. The U.S. stands to gain from tapping scientific advances in the region in areas such as probability and statistics and their applications to eletronics and communications, including control theory and signal processing. The U.S. participants will interact with leading research organizations in India, and learn of specific problems in technology, adaptation and research efforts in developing countries' settings.

Effective start/end date8/15/897/31/90


  • National Science Foundation: $44,250.00


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