Investigator Development Core

Project: Research project

Project Details


PROJECT ABSTRACT/SUMMARY – Investigator Development Core There is a critical need to support early-stage investigators (ESIs) researching solutions to well-documented disparities in cardiovascular disease (CVD) and related chronic conditions (RCC) that disproportionately burden communities identified as Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC). This work requires direct participation from the groups most affected, who are traditionally underrepresented in science and medicine (URSM); unfortunately, URSM investigators often lack institutional resources and structural supports that are critical for success. To address these needs, the Investigator Development (ID) Core of the proposed P50 Center for Chronic Disease Reduction and Equity promotion Across Minnesota (C2DREAM) has two primary goals: (1) Administer a pilot grant program that supports and empowers awardees to conduct high-impact research on CVD and RCC among BIPOC communities across Minnesota. (2) Prepare the next generation of investigators to conduct multi-level, multi-disciplinary interventional research to address racism and other social and structural determinants of CVD and RCC disparities. Both goals are undergirded by a focus on increasing the diversity of the scientific workforce. We have 3 Specific Aims. Aim 1: Facilitate the development and successful conduct of innovative pilot projects (minimum of 30 projects over 5 years) led by a diverse group of ESIs aimed at addressing CVD and RCC disparities in Minnesota’s BIPOC communities. Projects will target one or more of C2DREAM’s priority health disparities populations in Minnesota and CVD or RCC disparities, be aligned with the C2DREAM conceptual framework, use a multi-level, multi-domain approach consistent with the NIMHD framework, and include a mentoring plan for the ESI and a plan for community engagement. Aim 2: Design and launch a robust series of workshops, seminars, networking opportunities and research resources, called Support and TrAining for Research Success (STARS), to promote preparation, productivity, and advancement of ESIs. Aim 3: Evaluate the effectiveness of the ID Core on success of pilot projects and career development of ESIs. We propose innovative, multifaceted approaches to accomplish our Aims. The pilot grant program includes a training option (Pilot Incubator Intensive series) to improve unfunded applications and keep promising investigators in the pipeline. We have engaged >130 faculty from across our partnering institutions to serve as faculty affiliates for the Center who are committed to serving as mentors and pilot application reviewers. We will conduct participatory workshops and intensive one-on-one coaching with ESIs as they develop peer-reviewed manuscripts and future grant proposals, provide networking opportunities and a suite of resources to support ESIs. The ID Core will have impact by creating a rigorous infrastructure designed to promote success of ESIs (including postdoctoral fellows, ESIs and community researchers from other C2DREAM-aligned programs across the region) and improve recruitment and retention of URSM investigators in the scientific workforce addressing chronic disease disparities.
Effective start/end date9/1/216/30/23


  • National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities: $549,402.00


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