JST-NSF-DFG-RCN Workshop on Data-driven Real-time Control for Distributed Energy Management, Tokyo, Japan, June 11-14, 2017

Project: Research project

Project Details


The bulk power network is widely regarded as one of the most complex engineered systems. With the growing integration of distributed energy resources and the modernization of computing and communication systems, the complexity of interactions between constituent cyber and physical layers of the power system has vastly increased. Nevertheless, it is widely accepted that the systematic utilization of large data sets to inform distributed decision making can improve operational efficiency, power quality, and availability. Along these lines, this workshop will outline the foundational science for data-driven real-time control of distributed energy management systems.

The workshop will bring together stakeholders with domain expertise in power systems and broader interests in related areas of data science, nonlinear systems, optimization, control theory, and circuit theory to address data-driven real-time control for next-generation power networks. Synthesis of distributed and decentralized control and optimization tasks while acknowledging large data streams is indeed a challenging task, and calls for complementary expertise in broad system-theoretic areas. Engagement with participants from Japan, Germany, and Norway will be critical, and it is anticipated that the workshop will highlight cutting-edge NSF-funded research on a truly international scale, and connect researchers from Germany, Japan, and Norway to those in the US towards realizing sustainable collaborative initiatives.

Effective start/end date5/1/174/30/18


  • National Science Foundation: $45,000.00


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