Mobile Agent-Based Active Monitoring of Computer Networks

Project: Research project

Project Details


The mobile agent technology offers many novel capabilities for building future generation systems for monitoring and management of large networks. The goal of this research is to investigate and build a system infrastructure using mobile agents for active monitoring of large distributed systems. Mobile agents would be used to perform remote information filtering and control functions, and such distributed and mobile agents could be securely modified to change their monitoring policies and functions. If needed, new agents could be installed at a node to perform functions different from the existing ones. The system would also support use of agent groups for cooperative distributed monitoring and collaborative filtering of monitored information.

The proposed infrastructure would provide a set of basic agent types for event monitoring, subscription, and information correlation and filtering. This infrastructure would support experimentation's with different schemes for monitoring, dissemination, and processing of event data. We would develop monitoring functions for different operating system platforms, such as Sun OS, Linux, and Windows NT. We propose to experiment with intrusion detection techniques using this infrastructure. We plan to use logic programming techniques for performing search and correlation operations on event data. The event notification data would be stored in logic databases using Prolog. Mobile agents would be used for performing filtering and correlation functions on data stored in such databases at different nodes.

Security and robustness of operations would be an important design requirement for this infrastructure. This system infrastructure would include mechanisms to monitor its own components and perform recovery actions on detecting any failures. We would also develop a security architecture for mobile agents to execute in separate protection domains and at different security levels to minimize the impact of any corrupted or compromised agents.

The proposed system would be deployed in the research and instructional computing labs at the University of Minnesota to evaluate the effectiveness of its mechanisms. This system would be implemented using the Ajanta agent programming system. For this purpose, the capabilities of the Ajanta system would be enhanced to support secure agent groups and debugging facilities for large-scale agent based programs. This monitoring infrastructure would be made available to the community for research and education activities.

Effective start/end date9/1/018/31/05


  • National Science Foundation: $285,057.00


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