DC: Medium: Collaborative Research: ELLF: Extensible Language and Library Frameworks for Scalable and Efficient Data-Intensive Applications

Project: Research project

Project Details


The growth of scientific data sets to petabyte sizes offers significant opportunities for important discoveries in fields such as combustion chemistry, nanoscience, astrophysics, climate prediction and biology as well as from data on the internet. However, the realization of new scientific insights from this data is limited by the difficulty of creating scalable applications due to the lack of easy-to-use programming models and tools. To address challenges in creating data intensive applications, the project will build an extensible language framework, backed by an expressive collection of high-performance libraries (I/O and analytic), to provide a development environment in which multiple domain-specific language extensions allow programmers and scientists to more easily and directly specify solutions to data-intensive problems as programs written in domain-adapted languages. The project will build on recent attribute grammar research to build an extensible specification of C to host domain-specific language extensions which will also address the inadequate performance in storage, I/O and analysis capabilities in low-level language such as C.

The proposed extensible language and library framework has the potential to be a transformative problem solving environment for programmers and scientists since it allows scalable and efficient solutions to data-intensive problems to be specified at a high-level of abstraction. The resulting language framework and libraries will be freely available to researchers writing applications for climate and other applications involving spatio-temporal data. This includes many applications in the physical sciences and engineering and thus it is expected that the framework will find use in other scientific domains as well.

Effective start/end date9/1/098/31/14


  • National Science Foundation: $810,000.00


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