NIH-NSF BBSI: The University of Minnesota Summer Bioinformatics Institute

Project: Research project

Project Details


PROPOSAL NO.: 0234112


INSTITUTION NAME: University of Minnesota Twin Cities

TITLE: NIH-NSF BBSI: The University of Minnesota Summer Bioinformatics Institute


The mission of the University of Minnesota Bioinformatics Summer Institute (UMBSI) is to provide the highest quality undergraduate level education and research experiences in bioinformatics, equipping the new generation of this burgeoning professional community with the tools for a successful career in bioinformatics. Undergraduates will participate in the Institute for ten weeks during the summer.

A series of workshops, seminars and research projects will result in the participants having (i) an introductory understanding of contemporary issues in bioinformatics (ii) an ability to develop and apply information technology solutions to investigate biological systems (iv) an ability to work in multi-disciplinary teams and a realization of the importance of doing so in bioinformatics, (v) a beginning understanding of the impact of bioinformatics solutions on society, including economic, ethical and environmental impacts, and (vi) a keen interest in pursuing further studies and a career in bioinformatics.

The computer infrastructure at the Digital Technology Center, and a team of eighteen faculty position will be involved in the the University of Minnesota Bioinformatics Summer Institute for success. The UMBSI will offer the training and the skills that will spark the interest to a new generation of scientists to undertake leading careers in bioinformatics.

Effective start/end date1/1/0312/31/07


  • National Science Foundation: $657,983.00


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