POWRE: In vitro and Cellular EPR Spin-trapping Characterization of Reactive Oxygen Species Produced by the Iron Complex of the Anticancer Drug, Mitoxantrone

Project: Research project

Project Details


This POWRE award by the Chemistry Division extends a sabbatical leave for Dr. Rosemary Marusak from Kenyon College to work with Brian Hasinoff at the University of Manitoba. This leave will permit Dr. Marusak to extend her research on the inorganic chemistry of metal complexes of cardioprotective drugs and their in vitro oxidation of biomolecules to in vivo studies of such systems for which Dr. Hasinoff is a leading expert. It will also allow her to gain experience in cell culture techniques and electron paramagnetic resonance applications in bioinorganic chemistry. Dr. Marusak will use this knowledge to strengthen her research collaboration with her faculty colleagues in the Biology Department, sustain her collaboration with Dr. Hasinoff and enhance her teaching of bioinorganic chemistry.

Effective start/end date9/1/008/31/01


  • National Science Foundation: $52,980.00


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