Real-Time Studies of Young Supernova Remnants: Inhomogeneities, Dynamics & the Relativistic Plasma

Project: Research project

Project Details


AST-9619438 Real-Time Studies of Young Supernova Remnants: Inhomogeneities, Dynamics, and the Relativistic Plasma. Young supernova remnants (SNRs) provide valuable laboratories for studying hydrodynamic and nonthermal processes in astrophysical plasmas. Drs. Lawrence Rudnick and Thomas Jones at the University of Minnesota, have formed a powerful team to investigate young SNRs both observationally and theoretically. The focus is on inhomogeneities, instabilities, and the coupling of cosmic rays and magnetic fields. Prior work has concentrated on the Cas A supernova remnant and its asymmetric dynamics. These investigators will now obtain velocity as a function of radius in various sectors of the remnant. They will explore the relation between thermal and nonthermal plasmas, by looking for connections in the flow structures. =====================

Effective start/end date3/15/972/28/02


  • National Science Foundation: $306,000.00


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