REU Site: Science and Engineering in Nanomaterials

Project: Research project

Project Details


NON-TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION: The goal of the REU/RET Site in nanomaterials is to train the next generation of science and engineering professionals while increasing participation of traditionally underrepresented groups. The REU Site brings talented undergraduates from a nationwide pool of applicants to the UMN campus for an intensive 10-week research experience that includes extensive training and development of career-building skills. Each participant pursues an independent research project within an interdisciplinary research group. The interdisciplinary nature of the Site makes it an ideal opportunity for students in Materials Science, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and other related majors enrolled in two- or four-year academic institutions. In addition to conducting research and engaging in career development workshops, participants deliver a poster and a formal oral presentation at the program's conclusion. The RET component draws six teachers annually from the greater Twin Cities for a six-week research experience and 25 additional teachers for a three day RET-led workshop. RET participants have their own research projects, and work to develop and disseminate standards-based engineering laboratory activities for middle and high school classrooms. Teachers participate for two consecutive summers and are encouraged to apply to the program as teams (two teachers from the same school or district); participating in consecutive summers allows for revision and improvement of developed classroom activities, while participating in teams reduces institutional resistance to new materials. The REU and RET programs are continually evaluated both formally through repeated measure surveys and informally through individual interviews and group discussions in order to improve the program each year, and to inform changes during the program to meet the needs of each unique cohort. The combined elements of the REU/RET site seek to enhance K-12 education in science, engineering and technology in general, and Materials Science in particular, in order to increase interest in K-12 students while also preparing undergraduates for graduate and professional careers.

TECHNICAL DETAILS: The REU Site in nanomaterials is an intensive 10-week research experience that exposes undergraduates to interdisciplinary materials research. Projects available to participants address a wide range of 'hard' to 'soft' materials: Electrostatic Control of Materials; Sustainable Nanocrystal Materials; and Hierarchical Multifunctional Macromolecular Materials. Each research group integrates the six basic elements of materials science and engineering - synthesis, theory, structural characterization, property evaluation, processing, and applications - required for effective innovation in materials research and development. In addition to being assigned an independent research project, students participate in a comprehensive collection of activities designed to offer in-depth, stimulating research experiences; foster mentoring relationships with faculty, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows; and enhance student skills in preparation for graduate school and research careers. Participants in the RET component of the Site gain hands-on laboratory experiences to help them better understand the practice of science and engineering and subsequently communicate it to their students. Teachers work with faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students with distinguished track records in research and education, emphasizing a rich array of interdisciplinary research topics that are then developed into curriculum elements and laboratory activities for use in K-12 classrooms. Both the REU and RET components are designed to promote and assure inclusion of women, underrepresented minorities, and people with disabilities in the preparation of the next generation of scientists and engineers.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

Effective start/end date4/1/193/31/23


  • National Science Foundation: $230,000.00


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