Searching for Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background with LIGO: Data Analysis and Detector Development

Project: Research project

Project Details


This project focuses on searches for the stochastic gravitational-wave background (SGWB). In particular, searches will be conducted by cross-correlating the data acquired by the LIGO observatories during the latest LIGO science run (S5), and during the upcoming science run (S6) which will take advantage of the better sensitivity of LIGO detectors. These searches will establish the world's most sensitive measurements of the energy density of gravitational waves. Moreover, a study will be performed to assess the gravity gradient noise for Advanced LIGO: the gravity gradient noise is expected to limit the sensitivity of Advanced LIGO detectors at lowest frequencies, which are most sensitive to the SGWB.

The SGWB is expected to be produced in the earliest stages in the history of the Universe. Hence, direct observation of the SGWB would provide a glimpse of a very young Universe, much younger than what is possible using other astrophysical techniques. It would also represent a very rare probe of the particle physics of the highest energies, currently not accessible to accelerator-based particle physics experiments. The SGWB could also be produced by a large number of violent astrophysical events, such as gamma ray bursts or supernovae. Hence, direct observation of the SGWB would provide information about these exotic events as well. This project will allow undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars to be directly involved in this very exciting field of cosmology and astrophysics, and to make significant contributions to them. The project also includes building a web-accessible archive of models and experiments in the field of SGWB, hence providing a broader educational impact on the cosmology and astrophysics communities, as well as on non-scientific audience.

Effective start/end date11/1/0810/31/12


  • National Science Foundation: $421,671.00


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