SPX: Scalable In-Memory Processing Using Spintronics

Project: Research project

Project Details


The computational demands of modern workloads are influenced by a data-centric view of computing. The traditional model of computing, which brought the data into the compute engine for processing, is falling apart in the era of exploding data volumes as the overheads of data transportation become forbidding. Instead, it is more advantageous to take computing to the data. The objective of this project is to explore the alternative paradigm of bringing computation to the data by developing a novel scalable framework for processing-in-memory (PIM). While traditional CMOS structures are unsuited to this tight integration, emerging spintronic technologies show remarkable versatility in this regard. The proposed approach will develop the notion of the computational RAM (CRAM) to build PIM solutions to solve data-intensive computing problems using spintronics technologies. The project seeks to provide a complete solution across the system stack to the PIM problem under the CRAM platform. The project seeks to advance the state of the art in electronics technology, and potentially has a large impact in a pervasively-electronic society. Technically, its research results are projected to significantly advance the state of the art in large scale memory-centric computing using post-CMOS spintronic technologies, paving the way for new ways to build energy-efficient, scalable integrated systems. A multi-pronged outreach strategy will be pursued to take the results of this effort to a set of core constituencies. Human resource development will be achieved by training of undergraduate and graduate students in post-CMOS methods and novel computing paradigms.

The notion of bringing computation nearer to memory has gained wide currency in the recent past. However, since the regularity of large memory arrays is considered sacrosanct, the most viable solutions proposed so far perform processing near-memory, performing computation at the edge of a large memory array. The proposed CRAM-based approach avoids the substantial overheads of such a method, in bringing data to and from the periphery, and proposes a method for reconfiguring the memory to write the output of a logic operation directly into a memory cell. This project realizes the potential of the CRAM across the system stack by exploring the optimum over a space of choices in technology, logic design, and memory architecture to implement a diverse set of basic computational building blocks; by quantitatively characterizing CRAM-specific multi-granular parallelism; by investigating implications for the eco-system integration; by devising effective methods for CRAM-specific spatio-temporal parallel task scheduling; and by demonstrating how bioinformatics applications and applications featuring irregular, i.e., amorphous parallelism can benefit from CRAM.

Effective start/end date8/15/177/31/21


  • National Science Foundation: $800,000.00


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