Testing the Hypothesis of Eastward Lake Agassiz Discharge at the Beginning of the Younger Dryas using Marine Seismic-Reflection Methods

Project: Research project

Project Details





The work will produce a high-resolution seismic stratigraphic record from Lake Superior at both the Nipigon and Thunder Bay areas. The former is to verify seismic-stratigraphic evidence of major eastward outflow of Lake Agassiz near the end of the Younger Dryas. The latter is to determine if outflow sediment deposits are present or not in the Thunder Bay area, that might have resulted from catastrophic eastward discharge. If such deposits are identified, these are likely to have been found in the earliest Younger Dryas episode, hence supporting the hypothesis of massive eastward fresh water flow triggering the Younger Dryas cooling.

The work will impact studies of abrupt climate change (which is inherently relevant and important to societal interests) and to studies of marine science in the Great lakes. Public outreach is also planned on a topic that is both scientifically important and of interest to the general public. Educational outreach effort will include a website and interactions with Minnesota Sea Grant and other organizations.

Effective start/end date9/15/068/31/11


  • National Science Foundation: $321,700.00


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