Theoretical Studies of Underdoped Cuprates

Project: Research project

Project Details


9629839 Chubukov The work proposed in this grant involves a careful theoretical study of the antiferromagnetic cuprates as they are doped and transform from an insulating commensurate antiferromagnet to a metallic, superconducting state. The project contains both analytical and numerical approaches. Specifically one part of the project contains a study of the evolution with doping of the Fermi surface of vacancies, of the density of states and the vertex corrections to the d- wave superconducting pairing. Yet another project involves a careful analysis of the two magnon Raman scattering in undoped and lightly doped regimes. Finally there are plans to investigate the critical behavior of a frustrated quantum antiferromagnet. %%% The high Tc superconducting materials start out as an insulating antiferromagnet before they are doped and transformed into metallic superconductors. This project by a young assistant professor, concerns a careful and detailed study, using a variety of techniques, of the evolution of these materials as they are doped. The study is of critical importance in understanding the mysterious properties of these materials including the appearance of high temperature superconductivity. ***

Effective start/end date8/15/967/31/00


  • National Science Foundation: $144,000.00


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