TQO: An Examination of Relationships Among Manufacturing Plant Performance Criteria

  • Schroeder, Roger G (PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


The proposed research seeks to increase knowledge by constructing and testing a comprehensive framework of plant performance to resolve the controversy regarding performance trade-offs in manufacturing. This issue has been widely discussed, but rarely investigated empirically. A three stage approach will be used to enhance and test existing theory. In the first stage of the research, academics and practitioners will design an initial model which describes potential relationships among plant performance criteria. The initial model will be tested on a limited scale. In the second stage of research, the model will be revised, and a large-scale study to assess various forms of plant performance will be designed. In the third stage, a large-scale study on performance results from plants in multiple industrial settings, will be conducted. This study will utilize survey methodology and quantitative data analysis techniques. If successful, the research should enable industry to eliminate or avoid performance trade-offs, thereby becoming more responsive to customer needs at potentially lower costs. Companies participating in this study include Honeywell, Donaldson, and 3M.

Effective start/end date2/1/951/31/99


  • National Science Foundation: $318,596.00


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