A quick method for quantitative determination of uronic acid in hemicellulose of moso bamboo

Da Lin, Hong Peng, Rong Sheng Ruan, Zi Ping Yu, Yu Huan Liu

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

1 Scopus citations


Arabinoglucuronoxylan is the main component in the hemicellulose of moso bamboo. The content of glucuronic acid which is as the main side chain can reflect the structure of the hemicellulose. In this paper, a method for the determination of glucuronic acid in hemicellulose of moso bamboo with m-hydroxydiphenyl was used. The amounts of tetraborate/H 2SO 4, m-hydroxydiphenyl and the boiling time were studied. This method was proved simple, accurate and reproducible.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Number of pages4
Specialist publicationChung-kuo Tsao Chih/China Pulp and Paper
StatePublished - Mar 2012


  • Glucuronic acid
  • Hemicellulose
  • Method of m-hydroxydiphenyl
  • Moso bamboo


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