Apple Gambles on Winning Ebook Antitrust Suit: NewsBreaks

Nancy K Herther

Research output: Other contribution


The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) came out swinging in its opening statement of its antitrust suit against Apple in New York on June 3, 2013. The April 2012 suit alleged that what was then the Big Six trade publishers conspired with Apple to “limit ebook price competition … [and] reached an agreement whereby retail price competition would cease (which all the conspirators desired), retail ebook prices would increase significantly (which the publisher defendants desired), and Apple would be guaranteed a 30 percent ‘commission’ on each ebook it sold (which Apple desired).” In the past year, all of the publishers settled with the DOJ, ending their involvement in the case. Apple, however, has chosen to fight the charges in court.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherInformation Today
StatePublished - Jun 17 2013

Bibliographical note

Type: Blog Posting


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