Decision Rule Approaches for Pessimistic Bilevel Linear Programs Under Moment Ambiguity with Facility Location Applications

Akshit Goyal, Yiling Zhang, Chuan He

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We study a pessimistic stochastic bilevel program in the context of sequential two-player games, where the leader makes a binary here-and-now decision, and the follower responds with a continuous wait-and-see decision after observing the leader’s action and revelation of uncertainty. We assume that only the information regarding the mean, covariance, and support is known. We formulate the problem as a distributionally robust (DR) two-stage problem. The pessimistic DR bilevel program is shown to be equivalent to a generic two-stage distributionally robust stochastic (nonlinear) program with both a random objective and random constraints under proper conditions of ambiguity sets. Under continuous distributions, using linear decision rule approaches, we construct upper bounds on the pessimistic DR bilevel program based on (1) a 0-1 semidefinite programming (SDP) approximation and (2) an exact 0-1 copositive programming reformulation. When the ambiguity set is restricted to discrete distributions, an exact 0-1 SDP reformulation is developed, and explicit construction of the worst-case distribution is derived. To further improve the computation of the proposed 0-1 SDPs, a cutting-plane framework is developed. Moreover, based on a mixed-integer linear programming approximation, another cutting-plane algorithm is proposed. Extensive numerical studies are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches on a facility location problem.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1342-1360
Number of pages19
JournalINFORMS Journal on Computing
Issue number6
StatePublished - Nov 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
Copyright: © 2023 INFORMS.


  • copositive program
  • distributionally robust optimization
  • linear decision rules
  • pessimistic bilevel program
  • semidefinite program


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