Guy David, Joseph Feneuil, Svitlana Mayboroda

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Take an open domain Ω ⊂ ℝn whose boundary may be composed of pieces of different dimensions. For instance, Ω can be a ball on ℝ3, minus one of its diameters D, or a so-called saw-tooth domain, with a boundary consisting of pieces of 1-dimensional curves intercepted by 2-dimensional spheres. It could also be a domain with a fractal (or partially fractal) boundary. Under appropriate geometric assumptions, essentially the existence of doubling measures on Ω and ∂Ω with appropriate size conditions—we construct a class of second order degenerate elliptic operators L adapted to the geometry, and establish key estimates of elliptic theory associated to those operators. This includes boundary Poincaré and Harnack inequalities, maximum principle, and Hölder continuity of solutions at the boundary. We introduce Hilbert spaces naturally associated to the geometry, construct appropriate trace and extension operators, and use them to define weak solutions to Lu = 0. Then we prove De Giorgi-Nash-Moser estimates inside Ω and on the boundary, solve the Dirichlet problem and thus construct an elliptic measure ωL associated to L. We construct Green functions and use them to prove a comparison principle and the doubling property for ωL. Since our theory emphasizes measures, rather than the geometry per se, the results are new even in the classical setting of a half-plane ℝ2+ when the boundary ∂ℝ2+ = ℝ is equipped with a doubling measure µ singular with respect to the Lebesgue measure on ℝ. Finally, the present paper provides a generalization of the celebrated Caffarelli-Sylvestre extension operator from its classical setting of ℝn++1 to general open sets, and hence, an extension of the concept of fractional Laplacian to Ahlfors regular boundaries and beyond.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1-133
Number of pages133
StatePublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Societe Mathematique de France. All rights reserved.


  • 1-sided NTA domains
  • De Giorgi-Nash-Moser estimates
  • Extension theorem
  • Green function
  • Poincaré inequalities
  • Trace theorem
  • boundaries of mixed dimensions
  • comparison principle
  • degenerate elliptic operators
  • harmonic measure
  • homogeneous weighted Sobolev spaces


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