Fourth international consultation on incontinence recommendations of the international scientific committee: Evaluation and treatment of urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and fecal incontinence

P. Abrams, K. E. Andersson, L. Birder, L. Brubaker, L. Cardozo, C. Chapple, A. Cottenden, W. Davila, D. De Ridder, R. Dmochowski, M. Drake, C. DuBeau, C. Fry, P. Hanno, J. Hay Smith, S. Herschorn, G. Hosker, C. Kelleher, H. Koelbl, S. KhouryR. Madoff, I. Milsom, K. Moore, D. Newman, V. Nitti, C. Norton, I. Nygaard, C. Payne, A. Smith, D. Staskin, S. Tekgul, J. Thuroff, A. Tubaro, D. Vodusek, A. Wein, J. J. Wyndaele

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