Guidelines for overweight in adolescent preventive services: Recommendations from an expert committee

John H. Himes, William H. Dietz, George Bray, Shumei Guo, Alex F. Roche, Mary Story, Clifford Johnson, Robert Kuczmarski, Larry Webber, Susana Eloy, Katrina Holt, Pamela Mangu, Arthur Elster, E. Ann Prendergast

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849 Scopus citations


An expert committee was convened to determine specific criteria for overweight to be integrated into routine preventive screening of adolescents. Body mass index (BMI) should be used routinely to screen for overweight adolescents. Youths with BMIs ≥ 95th percentile for age and sex, or > 30 (in kg/m2) should be considered overweight and referred for in-depth medical follow-up to determine underlying diagnoses. Adolescents with BMIs ≥ 85th percentile but < 95th percentile or > 30, should be considered at risk of overweight, and should be referred to a second-level screen. The second- level screen includes family history, blood pressure, total cholesterol, large prior increment in BMI, and concern about weight. If youths are positive for any of the items on the second-level screen they should be referred for further medical assessment.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)307-316
Number of pages10
JournalAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 1994


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