Heterogeneity in MLL/AF-4 Fusion Messenger RNA Detected by the Polymerase Chain Reaction in t(4;ll) Acute Leukemia

Joanne M. Hilden, Chien Shing Chen, Roderick Moore, Joy restedt, John H. ersey

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31 Scopus citations


We have designed a single polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer pair that detects the MLL/AF-4 fusion mRNA encoded by the derivative 11 chromosome from t(4;ll)(q21;q23) leukemia cells using the reverse transcriptase PCR technique. PCR amplification was possible in seven of seven cells studied. Sequencing of the amplified products showed three different breakpoints on llq23 and three on 4q21, resulting in six unique fusion sequences. All fusion sequences maintained an open reading frame. The areas of the MLL and AF-4 genes that are conserved in all derivative 11 fusion RNAs and therefore likely to contribute to the function of the oncogenic fusion protein are centromeric regions of MLL through exon 6 (retaining the AT hook motif) and telomeric regions of AF-4 beginning at codon 491 (containing nuclear localization and GTP-binding motifs). A single primer pair was able to detect the derivative 11 fusion transcript in seven of seven cases of t(4;ll) acute leukemia tested. Given the variability shown in specific fusion sequences, studies correlating differential exon usage with clinical parameters will require different fusion-specific oligonucleotides or PCR primer pairs.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)3853-3856
Number of pages4
JournalCancer Research
Issue number17
StatePublished - Sep 1993


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