Implementing computational methods into classes throughout the undergraduate Chemical Engineering curriculum

William B. Perry, Victor H. Barocas, David E. Clough

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


In previous years, the undergraduate Chemical Engineering curriculum at the University of Colorado has contained a gap in students' exposure to computational methods and programming. As freshmen, students learned programming concepts in the course Introduction to Engineering Computing (GEEN 1300) and were later required to use these skills as seniors in Numerical Methods for Process Simulation (CHEN 4580). In the two years separating these classes, students had little opportunity to use and reinforce their programming skills. To remedy this oversight, we have developed programming modules for six sophomore- and junior-level courses throughout the curriculum. These modules have been implemented in the courses as supplements to homework. Each module focuses on a problem that is familiar to students from course material. Students are given a sample program that uses computational methods to solve each problem. They are then asked to modify the program to solve a more difficult problem. In addition to writing these modules, we have also provided support for students in the form of "Module Teaching Assistants." Initially, these modules have proven successful in giving students exposure to programming. The need for steady reinforcement of computational skills is not restricted to Chemical Engineering. The programming module concept would be applicable to any engineering curriculum.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2731-2739
Number of pages9
JournalASEE Annual Conference Proceedings
StatePublished - 1999
Event1999 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Engineering Education to Serve the World - Cahrlotte, NC, United States
Duration: Jun 20 1999Jun 23 1999


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