JAK-STAT inhibition reduces endothelial prothrombotic activation and leukocyte–endothelial proadhesive interactions

Joan D. Beckman, Angelica DaSilva, Elena Aronovich, Aithanh Nguyen, Julia Nguyen, Geneva Hargis, David Reynolds, Gregory M. Vercellotti, Brian Betts, David K. Wood

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Background: Vascular activation is characterized by increased proinflammatory, pro thrombotic, and proadhesive signaling. Several chronic and acute conditions, including Bcr-abl-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs), graft-vs-host disease, and COVID-19 have been noted to have increased activation of the janus kinase (JAK)-signal transducer and downstream activator of transcription (STAT) pathways. Two notable inhibitors of the JAK-STAT pathway are ruxolitinib (JAK1/2 inhibitor) and fedratinib (JAK2 inhibitor), which are currently used to treat MPN patients. However, in some conditions, it has been noted that JAK inhibitors can increase the risk of thromboembolic complications. Objectives: We sought to define the anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effects of JAK-STAT inhibitors in vascular endothelial cells. Methods: We assessed endothelial activation in the presence or absence of ruxolitinib or fedratinib by using immunoblots, immunofluorescence, qRT-PCR, and function coagulation assays. Finally, we used endothelialized microfluidics perfused with blood from normal and JAK2V617F+ individuals to evaluate whether ruxolitinib and fedratinib changed cell adhesion. Results: We found that both ruxolitinib and fedratinib reduced endothelial cell phospho-STAT1 and STAT3 signaling and attenuated nuclear phospho-NK-κB and phospho-c-Jun localization. JAK-STAT inhibition also limited secretion of proadhesive and procoagulant P-selectin and von Willebrand factor and proinflammatory IL-6. Likewise, we found that JAK-STAT inhibition reduced endothelial tissue factor and urokinase plasminogen activator expression and activity. Conclusions: By using endothelialized microfluidics perfused with whole blood samples, we demonstrated that endothelial treatment with JAK-STAT inhibitors prevented rolling of both healthy control and JAK2V617F MPN leukocytes. Together, these findings demonstrate that JAK-STAT inhibitors reduce the upregulation of critical prothrombotic pathways and prevent increased leukocyte–endothelial adhesion.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1366-1380
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Author(s)


  • endothelium
  • janus kinase inhibitors
  • myeloproliferative neoplasm
  • thrombosis
  • tissue factor


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