Low-scale D -term inflation and the relaxion mechanism

Jason L. Evans, Tony Gherghetta, Natsumi Nagata, Marco Peloso

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24 Scopus citations


We present a dynamical cosmological solution that simultaneously accounts for the early inflationary stage of the Universe and solves the supersymmetric little hierarchy problem via the relaxion mechanism. First, we consider an inflationary potential arising from the D term of a new U(1) gauge symmetry with a Fayet-Iliopolous term that is independent of the relaxion. A technically natural, small U(1) gauge coupling, g10-8, allows for a low Hubble scale of inflation, HI105 GeV, which is shown to be consistent with Planck data. This feature is then used to realize a supersymmetric two-field relaxion mechanism, where the second field is identified as the inflaton provided that HI10 GeV. The inflaton controls the relaxion barrier height allowing the relaxion to evolve in the early Universe and scan the supersymmetric soft masses. After electroweak symmetry is broken, the relaxion settles at a local supersymmetry-breaking minimum with a range of F-term values that can naturally explain supersymmetric soft mass scales up to 106 GeV.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number115027
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number11
StatePublished - Jun 1 2017

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 American Physical Society.


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