Nephrotoxicity of Cyclosporine

B. D. Kahan, C. t.Van Buren, C. A. Wideman, D. A. Cooley, O. H. Frazier, Uwe J. Hesse, David E.r. Sutherland, S. Michael Mauer, John S. Najarian, Robert M. Merion, David J.g. White, Robert W. Griffith, Peter A. Woodbridge, Joe C. Rutledge, Bryan D. Myers, Jon Ross, Lynn Newton, John Luetscher, Mark Perlroth

Research output: Contribution to journalLetterpeer-review

5 Scopus citations


To the Editor: In the September 13 issue of the Journal, Myers and co-workers1cite our work2 to support the statement that “the dose was reduced thereafter to maintain trough plasma levels of immunoassayable cyclosporine slightly above a putative immunosuppressive threshold of 200 ng per milliliter.” In fact, both the cited article and the previous, more specific publication addressing trough levels3 state that 200 ng per milliliter represents the threshold for nephrotoxicity. Recipients of renal allografts who have abnormal renal function due to drug-induced nephrotoxicity generally have trough levels above 200 ng per milliliter as determined in serum by.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)48-50
Number of pages3
JournalNew England Journal of Medicine
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 3 1985


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