Original research in the classroom: Why do zebrafish spawn in the morning?

Jennifer O Liang, Katie Abata, Eric Bachelder, Becca Bartley, Nadejda Bozadjieva, Victoria Caskey, Benjamin Christianson, Shannon Detienne, Cassandra Dillon, Derek Ecklund, David Eckwright, Raymond Erickson, Tyler Fadness, Michael Fealey, Nicholas Fetter, Michael Flatten, Joshua Fulton, Ryan Galloway, Jacob Gauer, Michael HaglerAndrea Hammer, David Hasbargen, Brandon Heckmann, Anne Hildebrandt, Jaclyn Hillesheim, Meghan Hoffman, Jonathan Hovey, Sonja Iverson, Matthew Joyal, Rami Jubran, Stephanie Keller, Derek Kent, Brendan Kiefer, Jacob King, Aaron Kuefler, Alex Larson, Nathan Lewis, Po Nien Lu, Jessica Malone, Chelsey Mickolichek, Sean Mitchell, Pamela Nelson, Michelle Nemec, Shayna Olsen, Kendelle Olson, Kelsey Pautz, Kelsey Pieper, Michelle Remackel, Cody Rengo, Jaime Sekenski, Tyson Sievers, Brittney Slavik, Jami Sloan, Candice Smrekar, Emily Stromquist, Patrick Tandberg, Nicholas Taurinskas, Mark Thiele, Peter Timinski, Barite Tusa, Andrew Tuthill, Bradley Uher, Amy Ward, Luke Wilson, Nathan Young

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


As part of an upper level undergraduate developmental biology course at the University of Minnesota Duluth, we developed a unit in which students carried out original research as part of a cooperative class project. Students had the opportunity to gain experience in the scientific method from experimental design all of the way through to the preparation of publication on their research that included text, figures, and tables. This kind of inquiry-based learning has been shown to have many benefits for students, including increased long-term learning and a better understanding of the process of scientific discovery. In our project, students designed experiments to explore why zebrafish typically spawn in the first few hours after the lights come on in the morning. The results of our experiments suggest that spawning still occurs when the dark-to-light transition is altered or absent. This is consistent with the work of others that demonstrates that rhythmic spawning behavior is regulated by an endogenous circadian clock. Our successes and failures carrying out original research as part of an undergraduate course should contribute to the growing approaches for using zebrafish to bring the excitement of experimental science to the classroom.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)191-202
Number of pages12
Issue number4
StatePublished - Dec 1 2011


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