Pharmacist perceptions of a medication error reporting system in Thai hospitals.

Kanaporn Tansriprapasiri, Stuart M Speedie

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Medication errors have a significant impact on patient safety and health care costs. According to the survey we conducted of pharmacists working in the hospitals that possess medication error reporting system developed by the Pharmacy Department at Chiang Rai Prachanukroh (CRP) Hospital, the CRP system has proven to have substantial impact on both pharmacy and hospital quality improvement in CRP hospital and others. However, too great a workload, confidentiality and lack of supporting factors are still a burden.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Number of pages1
JournalAMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings / AMIA Symposium. AMIA Symposium
StatePublished - 2008


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