Preparation of Adolescents for Outpatient Surgery: Using an Internet Program

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39 Scopus citations


THIS STUDY COMPARED the effectiveness of an Internet-based method with a standard method for preparing adolescent patients scheduled for out-patient tonsillectomy procedures. A TWO-GROUP EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN compared adolescents' state anxiety, knowledge acqui-sition, postoperative pain intensity, and satisfaction with the method of preoperative preparation. PARENTS' STATE ANXIETY and satisfaction with their child's preparation method also were compared. DATA ANALYSIS REVEALED significantly increased knowledge acquisition and satisfaction among adolescents who were assigned to the Internet method of preparation and increased satisfaction among their parents. AORN J 87 (February 2008)374-398.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)374,377-378,380-382,384,386-388,390-392,394,396-398
JournalAORN journal
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2008
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Editor's note: This study was supported in part by the Minnesota Nurses' Association Katharine Densford Dreves Research Grant.


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