Short communication: Jersey × Holstein crossbreds compared with pure Holsteins for production, mastitis, and body measurements during the first 3 lactations

Bradley J Heins, Leslie B Hansen, Anthony J Seykora, A. R. Hazel, D. G. Johnson, J. G. Linn

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26 Scopus citations


Jersey (JE) × Holstein (HO) crossbred cows (n = 76) were compared with pure HO cows (n = 73) for 305-d milk, fat, and protein production, somatic cell score (SCS), clinical mastitis, lifetime production, and body measurements during their first 3 lactations. Cows were in 2 research herds at the University of Minnesota and calved from September 2003 to June 2008. Best prediction was used to determine actual production for 305-d lactations as well as lifetime production (to 1,220 d in the herd after first calving) from test-day observations. During first lactation, JE × HO cows and pure HO cows were not significantly different for fat plus protein production; however, JE × HO cows had significantly lower fat plus protein production during second (-25. kg) and third (-51. kg) lactation than pure HO cows. Nevertheless, JE × HO cows were not significantly different from pure HO cows for lifetime production or lifetime SCS. The JE × HO cows were not significantly different from pure HO cows for SCS and clinical mastitis during first and second lactations; however, JE × HO cows tended to have higher SCS (3.79) than pure HO cows (3.40), but significantly lower (-23.4%) clinical mastitis during third lactation. The JE × HO cows had significantly less hip height, smaller heart girth, less thurl width, and less pin width than pure HO cows during the first 3 lactations. Furthermore, JE × HO cows had significantly less udder clearance from the ground and significantly greater distance between the front teats than pure HO cows during their first 3 lactations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)501-506
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Dairy Science
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2011

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The authors express gratitude to B. Hansen and animal attendants at St. Paul and to D. Huot and animal attendants at Morris for care of cattle and for data collection. Financial support was provided by the American Jersey Cattle Club Research Foundation (Reynoldsburg, OH).


  • Crossbreeding
  • Mastitis
  • Somatic cell


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