The genesis and dynamics of organizational networks

Gautam Ahuja, Giuseppe Soda, Akbar Zaheer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

509 Scopus citations


An extensive body of knowledge exists on network outcomes and on how network structures may contribute to the creation of outcomes at different levels of analysis, but less attention has been paid to understanding how and why organizational networks emerge, evolve, and change. Improved understanding of network dynamics is important for several reasons, perhaps the most critical being that the understanding of network outcomes is only partial without an appreciation of the genesis of the network structures that resulted in such outcomes. To provide a context for the papers in this special issue, and with the broader goal of furthering network dynamics research, we present a framework that begins by discussing the meaning and role of network dynamics and goes on to identify the drivers and key dimensions of network change as well as the role of time in this process. We conclude with theoretical and methodological issues that researchers need to address in this domain.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)434-448
Number of pages15
JournalOrganization Science
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 2012


  • Economic sociology
  • Economics and organization
  • Interorganizational relationships
  • Organization and management theory
  • Social networks


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