Training and outcome monitoring in robotic urologic surgery

Daniel Liberman, Quoc Dien Trinh, Claudio Jeldres, Luc Valiquette, Kevin C. Zorn

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9 Scopus citations


The use of robot-assisted laparoscopic technology is rapidly expanding, with applicability in numerous disciplines of surgery. Training to perform robot-assisted laparoscopic urological procedures requires a motivated learner, a motivated teacher or proctor, a curriculum with stepwise learning objectives, and regular access to a training robot. In light of the many constraints that limit surgical training, animal models should be utilized to quantifiably improve the surgical skills of residents and surgical fellows, before these skills are put into practice on patients. A system based on appropriate supervision, graduated responsibility, real-time feedback, and objective measure of progress has proven to be safe and effective. Surgical team education directed towards cohesion is perhaps the most important aspect of training. At present, there are very few published guidelines for the safe introduction of robotic urologic surgery at an institution. Increasing evidence demonstrates the effects of learning curve and surgical volume on oncological and functional outcomes in robotic surgery (RS). This necessitates the introduction of mechanisms and guidelines by which trainee surgeons can attain a sufficient level of skill, without compromising the safety of patients. Guidelines for outcome monitoring following RS should be developed, to ensure patient safety and sufficient baseline surgeon skill.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)17-22
Number of pages6
JournalNature Reviews Urology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2012
Externally publishedYes


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